The battle damage is making cold cold dark northern women rugged, completely out uch Analytics. Let's watch and learn how your body warm but still sexy with fur coat as a Vietnamese beauty.
Cold weather, higher welding leads to the throne of the cold material to avoid "heavy." Besides leather, felt, velvet, fur skin, are considered the best trends of fashion in Vietnam Winter / Spring 2010 - 2011 this. Not only brings warmth and safety for the body to the presence of the cold diaphragm unruly hair but also makes women classy, aristocratic and caste than other materials to avoid cold.
Huong Lan makes girls more confident even fur scarves and fur leopard skin hat cable.
Ngoc Diep will suggest how cleverly the women wear fur coats to dress and how to seduce him back to the winter night.
Hoang Yen, a trendy and fashionable in real life. That has been confirmed by hundreds of thousands of stars in the world-renowned. At large parties, entertainment events or other grand ceremony was held in the winter. Fur coats are always the first choice of the beautiful people appearing before the public. And in Vietnam, too, the Vietnamese people are no less beautiful addition to the beauties of Hollywood and style savvy. The women also choose fur coats, fur scarves or other accessories from this material to warm themselves while honoring the luxurious and attractive.

Ngoc Quyen fun with beautiful hair accessories and personality. For as long beautiful legs Ngoc Quyen select hats, gloves, gray hair to adorn the pristine white dress his more warmth and personality. At the same time protect the beautiful people had been two very important parts of the body is the head and hands. Ho Ngoc Ha chose fur coat is very warm for the dynamic training sessions the cold. Mothers charm that fans eager to enjoy your voice and dance training at the Giang Vo Exhibition shirt with "masculine" and personality. Everyday, simple but modern and fashionable. Ngoc Diep, Vo Hoang Yen is also very popular fur leopard skin coat. This beautiful two people own the shirt designs are quite similar. They also use it a lot in both the artistic activity and the moments of life.
La Thanh Huyen youthful trendy clothes with feathers ruffled cloves.
It seems pretty fond of fur fashion.
La Ha Anh Thanh Huyen and sophisticated measurement. Offer the following suggestions for your little girl warm and still very attractive with hair material in the cold this: + If you choose the low-waist wool coat or suspended form. Stay away from the knee-length gown or even longer. They can be very warm but definitely will "swallow" your body. + If you choose the fat and bones to the surface coat smooth coat, short hair, glasses. Do not dream dress to the cage neighbors, ruffled feathers. And avoid feathers tua rua as though they're are a very "hot" today.

Ha Hocua a life, simple but modern and fashionable. + Jackets with fur skin for both plain clothes and reasonably luxurious. Casual optimal with fur coats are jeans, high boots, skinny leather pants or leggings. To the banquet, please vaydam strapless gowns, few differences, the two wires ... the luxurious fur coat. If possible, please wear leather gloves fur borders, you will become more and more attractive level. + Hair accessories and a very interesting personality. But in subtle ways you use to avoid premature aging. The coat color with young women can face is the color, nude, mink coat, black.
Select accessories for the lovely party fun Every venhuMinh.
Very nice fur coat but also requires dedicated attention. + If the skin is not bright white, smooth candles away from striped brindle coat color, spot color, skin, leopard, tiger or zebra fur although the colors are very "quality player." + Beautiful hair shirt but also requires dedicated attention. You should not water washing, laundry washing machines that use dry cleaning methods are steam. Use a comb to brush the surface coat dedicated.
Although the mix of Chinese items, but Velvet is not nice girls can still apply coat suspended in the Cape this trend with jeans, skirts.
Bao Ngoc (left) faces possibility of love Miss Teen 2010 with stylish young neck feathers ruffled gowns and dresses.
Fur scarves to choose a party dress sexy like Glass Top is very reasonable and attractive. But you have to be very careful not to stick accidents.
Mai Phuong Thuy much older with this fur coat rim.
Not only older age, but it also causes many other skeptics Miss.