Smooth cold winter days, the bag containing many items such as woolen hats, gloves, scarves ... will clearly needed. Same type of bag aFamily choice of the shape of you.

1. For the girls chest has a large round, thick shoulders and then to stay away from these types of bags with short straps across the chest. Please choose the type of bags have longer straps to avoid attention on your chest and shoulders ban.Con in case you want to mold your breasts become fuller accents, these bags will be short-handed style great help your satisfaction.
Depending on the shape that a body bag across your chest with the fall will bring positive or negative for the employer> 2. If your waist and hips with wide waist, abdomen and hips luxuriant grove of large kidneys must be careful to type bag waist bag. Large bags, decorated with striking motifs and will make appearances across the hip area of your mid-section does not become beautiful attractions attention. So, stay away from them lightly.
If your waist, hips and your stomach is not good, please stay away from bags and handbags to the hips like this. If you are lucky to have a toned waist, a handbag with long straps average will help you design the perfect breeze like a wallet handsets. A wallet-sized handset will always be a great accessory to show off your waist slimming in the evenings to go out with friends.
A bag with the bat at the waist will slim your waist show> 3. A foot long thin legs and integrity will be showing off if you choose to select a handbag with long straps to mix and dresses. However, if you do not get that lucky, your feet slightly modest, these classic bag will help you improve your body image issues.
Free man's legs will be long strap bag into the suction eye.
Pocket classic style bag is consistent with her legs ngan.4. Phom shape of the body with the girlfriend who has the frame to, stay away from the small bag. Because, a small bag will make your frame people get larger. Style handbag is ideal for your medium-sized bags.
A small bag will not fit with his girlfriend who owns phom to.Doi lady with a tall, thin, a back pocket sized to help improve physique. However, when the ownership of this figure, please stay away from the bag with long strap, long strap so that your body can be found out home.
If you are tall, thin types, please stay away from bags with straps dai.Cac tall girls want to improve modest sense of shape, select the handbag has the shape of long, slim and tone with costumes. Avoid oversized bag model, because we will get you drowned in the bag and make your body lower than actual.
A large bag will make your body too short to be outstanding.

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